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Multimodal Architecture in Geoinformation Cartographic Communication Process


The search for relevance is a basic feature of human cognition. Whereas the interval between the construction and the use of maps is a communication process, geosciences professionals can explore the relevance of the search condition to better serve the needs of many users maps. This article is based on debate to what extent the relevance theory and approach of Multimodality may contribute to the increased use of maps, based on the principle of least effort and multimodal speech in the communication process. The objective is to discuss the validity of the identification of a set of modes involved in the production (experts) and use (user) so that the geoinformation maps meet relevant requirements, and hence are more useful. To accomplish this, the article presents an experiment using elements of geoinformation, the relevance theory and Multimodality. In the final considerations, it presents further study possibilities.

Information Architecture; Multimodality; Geoinformation.

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