The present study was carried out with the results of research in development by the Grupo de Pesquisa Acervos Fotográficos, seeking, within the area of Information Science, the establishment of an interdisciplinary field of study called Photodocumentation, based on the understanding of management and scientific research with photographic documents as the focus. In this vein, there is a proposal for a case study at the Núcleo de Estudios y Documentación de la Imagen of the Universidade Nacional del Nordeste, which empirically supports this new conceptualization. Photodocumentation, with a transversal bias, is based on the concept of the Information Cycle. Its consolidation takes place from the correspondence of results and actions in the area, both by the technical activities of document management of photographic collections and by the dissemination in events and scientific production arising from the research with such materials. The theoretical foundation of the Information Cycle deals with the conceptual delimitation of the study of information related to photographic documents, thus establishing a dialogical correlation between the concepts and the empirical object, in search of evidence and from the point of view of Photodocumentation - area of study that occupies the space defined by the two extremes of the Information Cycle, covering technical and analytical activities related to photographic materials.
Keywords: Information Cycle; Photodocumentation; Núcleo de Estudios y Documentación de la Imagen