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Web 2.0 as a tool for trend analysis and monitoring external environment and its relationship with the media convergence culture

We analyzed the use of Web 2.0 tools for monitoring the external environment of organizations, obtaining information about the competition and market trends, and their relationship with the so-called media convergence culture, focusing mainly on two points: technological convergence and convergence culture, allowing all members of the organization to gather information relevant to the performance of their duties and the success of the organization where they work, sharing it with other members of the organization, improving communication. In media convergence it should be noted the relationship between people and technology, as well as the resulting benefits. Currently it is possible for any member of the organization, not only to experts, gather valuable information for monitoring purposes, thanks to the democratization of access to these tools called Web 2.0. Anyone with a minimum of training in technology and market analysis is able to undertake this task, enriching the common vision about the competition. The convergence lies essentially in this exchange, sharing and collaboration, enhanced by technology, which promotes interaction between people and building a wider knowledge.

Web 2.0; Social networking; Media convergence culture; Competitor analysis; Market trends; Collective intelligence

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