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Production of scientific and technological knowledge in the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology: an investigation about its nature and use


This article has a twofold objective: first, it aims at identifying the position held by Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology professors on the controversy between the linear model of research, attributed to Bush (1945), and the model proposed by Stokes (2005). Second, it attempts at verifying which of the three models proposed to describe enterprise-university-government relations, as formulated by Sábato and Botana (2011), Lundvall (1992), Nelson and Rosenberg (1993), Leydesdorff and Etzkowitz (1996) and Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000), suits better the Institutes. The research universe consists of 24,335 professors from 38 Federal Institutes in existence in the country, from which a sample of 165 individuals was withdrawn and distributed proportionally to the number of professors in each Institute. Firstly, a survey of the curricula of the 165 professors was conducted in the Lattes Platform. It was verified that 96 professors had their curricula updated and had production registered. For these professors, a questionnaire was sent. The obtained data were submitted to qualitative and quantitative analyses. According to the obtained results, we concluded that the professors/researchers carry out basic research and applied research in an integrated way, thus not conforming to Bush´s linear model, but being closer to the model proposed by Stokes. Regarding the enterprise-university-government relations models, Sabato´s Triangle, attributing to the government the role of the main stimulator, seems to describe better the reality of the Federal Institutes.

Federal Institutes of Education; Science and Technology; Research linear model; Pasteur's quadrant; Industry-university-government relation models.

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