Open-access The Public Library of Maranhão as an educational institution

This paper presents the historical description of the Public Library of Maranhão, and the economical, political and social situation of the state of Maranhão in the 19th century, which has contributed for creation of the library. It also points out the factors that caused the failure of the library and its re-emergence in the beginning of the First Republic, a period marked by a social-cultural identity of progressivism. In addition, this work presents the main educational aspects that existed in the library under Antonio Lobo's management. The method used is characterized as historical-descriptive, and it is based in the analyses and descriptions of the Presidential Reports of Maranhão related to the 19th and early 20th centuries. Therefore, the study shows that the history of the library of Maranhão was marked by difficulties related to the lack of interest from the government to provide the necessary conditions to promote culture.

History of libraries; Public library; Public Library Benedito Leite

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