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Building knowledges through french's trade union space: one look into information and the archive's role with a militant politic of memory

This paper presents a small extract from PhD's thesis in progress concerning the paper of memory and archives as a way to retrieval, instrumentalization and knowledge's production. The uses of memories' production are here represented by lived experiences from General Confederation of Work (CGT) and Democratic French Confederation of Work (CFDT), as well as theirs social actors in the past few years. Its performances point out to the actual debate's development in the public space about memory and archives' roles. The creation and organization of archive's services in both confederations' offices, beyond the foundation of an Institute of Social History (at CGT's case), evidences a characteristic phenomenon of a "memory desire" as part of these institutions. Our goal is to investigate and analyze the reasons and the interests concerning the everlasting use of memory and union's archives development.

Memory; Union; Archive; Identity; Politic

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