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The project for Archival Science designed by the Association of Brazilian Archivists

This article seeks to understand the emergence of the national model of institutionalization of archival science, devised by the Association of Brazilian Archivists during the 1970s, which set up a corporatist framework, evidenced by the achievements of this associative movement in its relationship with the Brazilian government. It specifically aims to analyze the discourse of the archival associative movement about the institutionalization of the academic spheres of archival science and its niche in the labor market. The methodological approach was to use the editorials of the journal Archive & Administration, between1971 and 1978, and select relevant utterances about the process of institutionalization of the archival field. The analysis points to a decade of tireless efforts to eliminate the free exercise of the profession in order to focus on the education and training of archivists. Together with the selection of relevant utterances, analysis was done of the network of people interested in archives, during a period of political repression, who established liaisons with the government when they had to face opposite viewpoints, thus enabling the associative movement to be successful in its demands.

The Archival field; Archivist; Archival Science; Social Memory; Memory and language; Discourse analysis

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