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Librarian's contribution for environmental education

The article discusses the contribution of the librarian for Environmental Education, pointing out his/her importance as an educator while bringing not only theoretical knowledge but also influencing actions for people so they develop ecologically correct habits. As the librarian is considered one of the professionals who disseminate information, it is believed that he/she cannot stay out of these discussions. Librarians as citizens and professionals must also act in this area, working at his/her best to disseminate environmental information, create strategies, networks, projects and other actions to keep people aware of the problems and reduce the impact of humans on the environment. This research also shows that librarianship should and must relate to environmental education. This way, his/her work would help to generate critical thinking, acquire environmentally correct behaviors, and contribute to a sustainable development in the region.

Librarianship; Educator; Environmental Education; Environmental information; Environment

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