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Traffic Psychology: Historical Achievements, ADI 3481, and Prospects for the Area


This article aims to present, discuss, and reflect upon Traffic Psychology from the perspective of some historical milestones in three different periods. The first period refers to the origins of the field in Brazil until the promulgation of the 1997 Brazilian Traffic Code. Then, it approaches the advances within the field, as well as its consolidation and contributions - which will be discussed in-depth in the third period, including the years from 2018 to 2021. The article also discusses aspects that have impacted the professional practice of Traffic psychologists, namely the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, the 3481 Direct Action of Unconstitutionality of the Supreme Court, and the 3267/19 Bill (Ordinary Law 14071/2020Lei nº 14.071, de 13 de outubro de 2020. (2020). Altera a Lei nº 9.503, de 23 de setembro de 1997, para modificar a composição do Conselho Nacional de Trânsito e ampliar o prazo de validade das habilitações; e dá outras providências.
), transformed into the new Brazilian Traffic Code, published in 2020. This review reflects upon these new challenges, proposing alternatives for the field to adapt to the new demands and reality. With that, it seeks to stimulate reflections regarding possibilities for the field of Traffic Psychology, always grounded on an ethical and quality professional practice with the primary purpose of preserving lives.

Traffic Psychology; Psychological forensics; Psychological tests; Traffic

Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil