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A Overview about Group Activities Developed in Psychosocial Care Center (2006–2016)


The workshops and therapeutic groups are fundamental devices in the daily life of a Center for Psychosocial Care given their importance as group activities that can assume different formats and purposes, besides being articulators between this institution and the community. The present project, that is a requirement for the conclusion of the Psychology course, develops from an integrative literature review in order to provide an overview of the group activities directed to adults in Brazil through Psychosocial Care Centers. 30 articles that were submitted to a quantitative and qualitative analysis were retrieved, and categorized according to information related to the functioning of group activities into four thematic axes: (a) Contributions of group activities; (B) Difficulties faced for the development of group activities; (C) Demands of the participants that emerged in the group activities and (d) Reproduction of the manicomial model versus Deinstitutionalization. From the results found, some discussions were developed: transformations that the group activities provoke in the users of the service and in their families; difficulties faced, from the structural ones to those related to the training of professionals responsible for the activities; and ways to ensure that group activities corroborate to ensure the policy of deinstitutionalization, articulation with the territory and community and social reintegration. It was possible to conclude the importance of aligning both academic training and practice in group activities, with the policy of deinstitutionalization and other guidelines that lead the practice in Mental Health.

Group activities, Therapeutic workshops; Therapeutic groups, Psychosocial Care Center

Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil