The parent-infant psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that focus on the father-mother/baby dyad/triad, usually based on the psychoanalytic theoretical framework. In Brazil, research on this theme is scarce. This study aimed to investigate the profile of parent-infant psychotherapists that work in Porto Alegre and the characteristics and specificities of their field of actuation. This is a qualitative study, with a descriptive and exploratory design. Data were collected by semi-structured in person interviews. A total of 10 female psychotherapists, selected by convenience, participated in the study. Content Analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin was used for data analysis. The possibility of early intervention was described as the main motivation for the choice of this field, which occurred without a formal training. Knowledge about child development, bonding and family dynamics stood out as essential for professional performance. Regarding personal and technical characteristics, the need for identification with this technique and with working with babies and a solid training, based on theoretical study, supervision and personal analysis, were mentioned. The importance of the practical experience and of the infant observation as learning tools was also highlighted, and the need to increase the visibility of this practical field among professionals and the general public was observed.
Keywords: Parent-Infant Psychotherapy; Clinical Psychology; Mother-Infant Relationship; Psychology Training