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Cinema Near Us: Art as an Acting Strategy of the CRAS Psychologist


The Cinema Near Us Project uses audio-visual resources such as theme triggers which seek to promote reflection and dialogue, as well as to foster a group interaction and exchange of experiences and values among professionals, the people and communities served by a Reference Center of Social Assistance (CRAS) located in Santos/SP. The project aims to contribute to the social work performed with families in socially vulnerable situations, as recommended by the Family Protection and Integral Treatment Service (PAIF). This article reports this experience and seeks to reflect on how Psychology, understood as a science and a profession, can contribute on a subjective dimension, through the listening of sociopolitical suffering, and how the audio-visual materials contribute with the work of gathering and building strategies of facing the critical social situations on behalf of the subjects submitted to them. Movies were shown in each of the project’s meetups, followed by conversations registered in field diaries, analyzed from the perspective of the referred authors, seeking to contribute with the work of the psychologists in the Policy of Social Assistance. The results point to the implied participation of the served public, including the production of a video with the participants and the recognition of the partnership between CRAZ-ZOI and a university extension project. Such factors indicate the possibility of deepening the everyday topics of the families served, as well as the creation of care devices with the objective of a progressive emancipation process of the subjects and the conquest for social rights.

Social Psychology; Policy of Social Assistance; PAIF; Cinema; Sociopolitical Suffering

Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil