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The sounds of the marginal lives in Chico Buarque’s songs

The objective of this work is to analyze how composer Chico Buarque discourses through numerous pieces of music in the daily life outcome of the so-called Brazilian lower social classes and their characters, powering and vitalizing his narratives.To do so, the work was based on the fact that, under a historically built speech, the lower-class voices have been continuously underrated, as well as listened to through the prism of lack and privation.Likewise, we believe it’s possible to notice in the artist’s work radical singularity about those characters’ everyday life, allowing the arousal of new insights into their way of life and showing promising alternatives to face the naturalizing logic uttered in hegemonic speeches.

Lower social classes; Chico Buarque; Stigma; Mass media

Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil