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WISC-III: Instrument for Confirmation of Giftedness


The identification of students with giftedness is a complex and necessary process. In a state school located in a city of the State of São Paulo, 326 pupils who have attended to the early years of elementary school were evaluated in order to identify giftedness. Raven's Progressive Matrices test, the School Achievement Test and teacher's indication through an evaluation protocol were used. Seventy-four 6-11 years-old students presented giftedness indicators in two instruments at least. This study intended to confirm the high intellectual development of those pupils using the WISC-III. In order to confirm giftedness, the chosen criterion was to consider at least two indicators of the four instruments used: presenting a percentile of 90 or higher in Raven's test; obtaining at least two higher results in School Achievement Test subtests; being pointed by the teacher or achieving a result of 130 or higher in any subgroups (Verbal IQ, Execution IQ and Total IQ) on WISC-III. Eleven students were confirmed by these criteria. Fourteen students who reached at least one higher IQ on WISC-III were identified as well. The WISC-III results were considered suitable to confirm the identification of students with giftedness and, also, pointed a group of pupils who showed higher results, potentially with giftedness, and were benefited from specific services. Considering the age of the participants, it is suggested that WISC-III could be used to track their intellectual development with instruments which could evaluate their interests and skills.

Psychological Testes; WISC-III; Special Education

Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil