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Challenges of the Intersectoral Approach in the Implementation of a Program for the Prevention of Drug Abuse


This article aims to know the perceptions of professionals and managers of health and education on the challenges of intersectoral coordination for the implementation of a drug prevention program. It is part of the evaluation of processes of one larger project of evaluation of preventive programs based on evidences, in process of adaptation to the Brazilian reality. Based on a qualitative approach, this study has an exploratory and descriptive design, with semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 18 professionals and managers of the education and health sectors of the municipality of Florianopolis, including three schools and three basic health units (UBS). Content analysis was used for the treatment of the data. The results show that the professionals perceived that the need to establish joint strategies for the implementation of the program was something positive that contributed to approaching health within the school space, showing that the joint action made possible to extend the care to families seeking the UBS and provided comprehensive access to the students. On the other hand, respondents identified some difficulties in joint activities, such as political issues, customization of intersectoral relationships, difficulties to understand the meaning of the intersectoral approach in the daily practice of services, excessive demands of work that stop the involvement of professionals in new projects. The challenge of the joint implementation of actions in the preventive program mobilized the sectors and can mean a stimulus so that the intersectoral approach tackles the complex issue of the problems related to drug use.

Intersectoral action; Illegal drugs; Primary prevention; Adolescent; School health; Program Evaluation

Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil