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Meanings Attributed by Mothers to Residential Care, Reintegration and Assistance Network

Based on interviews with mothers of reintegrated children and adolescents, this research aimed to learn about their experience with the work carried out by the assistance network during the process of protection measures and reintegration. Data were analyzed using Content Analysis. Results indicate that mothers, children and adolescents received assistance from the technical teams (psychologists and social workers) of residential care institutions and the professionals of networks throughout the period of protection measures, and after reinsertion. The families evaluated positively the assistance received, recognizing its importance to the process of family reintegration. Results evidence that participants recognize changes regarding the residential care after Law 12.010, especially related to the family/institution closeness. Final considerations suggest the need for further studies to address specificities of the Brazilian reality without losing sight of the national parameters.

Family relations; Sheltered children; Public health; Family reintegration

Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil