This article presents a systematic review of the national literature on single parenting. With this end, articles published between 1980 and June 2017 were searched in the IndexPsi, Lilacs, Scielo, and PePSIC online databases using the terms “single-parent family,” “single parenting,” “uniparental,” “single mother/father,” and “unilateral guard” as descriptors. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 22 empirical articles were included in the study and submitted to content analysis and simple frequency analysis based on five factors: (1) publication year; (2) publishing journals; (3) methodology; (4) research university; and (5) main results. The findings explain different perspectives through which researchers understand the phenomenon of single parenting until the present moment, thus being expected to advance knowledge in the field of Psychology. By providing such understanding, this study proves to be useful for the scientific environment by underpinning further research on the theme, besides supporting professionals who work with families.
Keywords: Single Parenting; Systematic Review; Psychology