The contemporary social network is marked by the construction and dissemination of identity matrices set by binaries, hierarchies and the assigning of specific meanings to subjective configurations. This study aims to discuss the possibilities of avoiding these matrices concomitantly to the displacement of the meanings they aggregate. The theoretical contributions of Butler and Derrida make possible to understand that identity reference based on the western philosophical tradition of metaphysics of presence engendered the utterance of subjectivity and the sense assigned to male and female. The construction of gender as a statement of identity enables individuals to recognize themselves in reference to their practice of sexuality and heterosexuality that establishes both the oppositions male/female, heterosexual/homosexual as the hierarchy between these pairs. It is understood that shifting meanings attributed to the binary pairs can take place from the deconstruction of the assumptions that organize the identity matrices in the dominant social network.
Derrida; Jacques; Metaphysics; Identity; Psychology