This research was conducted at FCAV of Jaboticabal-UNESP-Brazil, aiming to study the effect of different amounts of sugarcane straw placed on the soil surface on emergence of some weed species of the Convolvulaceae family. The experimental design was a split-split-plot with the straw amounts in the plots (0, 5, 10 ,15 and 20 t ha-1), sugarcane cultivars (SP 79 2233 e RB 83 5486) in the split-plots and weeds in the split-split-plots. The presence of 15 t ha-1 of straw reduced in 46 and 62% the number of I. quamoclit and M. cissoides plants, 45 days after sowing (DAS), respectively. However, 20 t ha-1 of straw reduced in 82, 65, 62, 70, 60 and 88% the number of I. quamoclit, I. purpurea, I. grandifolia, I. hederifolia, I. nil, M. cissoides, respectively, when compared to the absence of straw.
mulching; Ipomoea spp.; Merremia cissoides