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This research aimed to evaluate a program of attention and resignification of school complaints and its contributions to the confrontation of pathologization and medicalization of school phenomena. The theoretical framework guiding the entire research was based on the historical-cultural perspective of Psychology and Critical School Psychology. The information was obtained through individual semi-structured interviews, carried out with four elementary school teachers from a Basic Education school in the federal education network, and analyzed through qualitative thematic content analysis. The results showed that the Program studied contributed to the participants’ broadening their understanding of school complaints, starting to recognize the teaching activity and institutional relationships as constituents of it. The collective spaces of listening and dialogic exchange about the challenges present in the schooling process provided by the Program were fundamental to face the pathologization and medicalization of school phenomena.

school complaint; medicalization of education; school psychology


Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar um programa de atenção e ressignificação da queixa escolar e suas contribuições para o enfrentamento da patologização e medicalização dos fenômenos escolares. O referencial teórico norteador de toda a pesquisa foi fundamentado na perspectiva histórico-cultural da Psicologia e na Psicologia Escolar Crítica. As informações foram obtidas através de entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais, realizadas com quatro professoras do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola de Educação Básica da rede federal de ensino, e analisadas por meio de análise de conteúdo temática de cunho qualitativo. Os resultados apontaram que o Programa estudado contribuiu para as participantes ampliarem a compreensão da queixa escolar, passando a reconhecer a atividade docente e as relações institucionais como constituintes dela. Os espaços coletivos de escuta e troca dialógica acerca dos desafios presentes no processo de escolarização oportunizados pelo Programa foram fundamentais para o enfrentamento da patologização e medicalização dos fenômenos escolares.

queixa escolar; medicalização da educação; psicologia escolar


En esta investigación se tuvo por objetivo evaluar un programa de atención y resignificación de la queja escolar y sus contribuciones para el enfrentamiento de la patologización y medicalización de los fenómenos escolares. El referencial teórico orientador de toda la investigación se fundamentó en la perspectiva histórico-cultural de la Psicología y en la Psicología Escolar Crítica. Las informaciones se obtuvieron por intermedio de entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales, realizadas a cuatro profesoras de la Enseñanza Básica de una escuela de educación básica de la red federal de enseñanza, y analizadas por intermedio de análisis de contenido temático, de cuño cualitativo. Los resultados apuntaron que el Programa estudiado contribuyó para las participantes ampliar la comprensión de la queja escolar, pasando a reconocer la actividad docente y las relaciones institucionales como constituyentes de ella. Los espacios colectivos de escucha y cambio dialógico acerca de los desafíos presentes en el proceso de escolarización ofrecidos por el Programa fueron fundamentales para el enfrentamiento de la patologización y medicalización de los fenómenos escolares.

Palabras clave:
queja escolar; medicalización de la educación; psicología escolar


Since the 1980s, Psychology has been questioning and reflecting about its performance in schools and effective ways of contributing to educational processes. The demand traditionally presented to the psychologist is the student’s evaluation who does not meet the expectations created for him in the school routine for various reasons.

In this context, referrals of children and adolescents to the psychologist, by school, usually contain the following question: “What does this student have?” (which prevents him from learning; which makes him undisciplined; which makes it difficult to integrate into the group, etc.) (Freire & Viégas, 2018Freire, K. do E. S.; Viégas, L. de S. (2018). A queixa escolar em um CAPSi de Salvador-Bahia: uma análise a partir da psicologia escolar crítica. Revista Educação Em Questão, 56(48), 202-226.
; Patto, 2015Patto, M. H. S. (2015). A produção do fracasso escolar: histórias de submissão e rebeldia. São Paulo: Intermeios.; Souza, 2014Souza, M. P. R(2014). Desafios para uma atuação profissional de psicólogos frente à queixa escolar: compromisso ético, político e social. In M. P. R. Souza; S. M. C. Silva; K. Yamamoto (Eds.), Atuação do Psicólogo na Educação Básica: concepções, práticas e desafios (pp. 283-293). Uberlândia: Edufu.).

Traditional hypotheses about school failure are predominantly centered on individual, organic or emotional issues and the solutions sought, consequently, involve referrals to specialized professionals who can answer such questions “from outside of what happens inside the school”. This way of understanding school issues has been called a “school complaint” and its understanding is usually anchored in a pathologizing and medicalizing perspective of school phenomena (Beltrame, Gesser, & Souza, 2019Beltrame, R. L.; Gesser, M.; Souza, S. V. (2019). Diálogos sobre medicalização da infância e educação: uma revisão de literatura. Psicologia em Estudo [online]. 24, (e42566).
; Scarin & Souza, 2020Scarin, A. C. C. F.; Souza, M. P. R. (2020). Medicalização e patologização da educação: desafios à psicologia escolar e educacional. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional [online]. 24(e214158), 1-8.

Medicalization consists of a process in which historical, political, cultural, economic and affective issues of a given phenomenon are reduced to supposed disorders, diseases of the individual “[...] making the complexity of existence invisible and camouflaging the fact that the conditions of life are absurdly unequal” (Forum about the medicalization of education and society, 2019, p. 12).

In contrast, “school failure” is a concept developed by Psychology to refer to situations that go beyond traditional expectations for the teaching-learning process present in school communities so as not to individually blame those directly involved in this process: students, their families and teachers, seeking determinants that go beyond individual, ahistorical and static causes (Insfran, Ladeira, & Faria, 2020Insfran, F.; Ladeira, T. A.; Faria, S. E. F. (2020). Fracasso Escolar e Medicalização na Educação: a culpabilização individual e o fomento da cultura patologizante. Movimento-Revista De educação, 7(15).
; Patto, 2015Patto, M. H. S. (2015). A produção do fracasso escolar: histórias de submissão e rebeldia. São Paulo: Intermeios.).

Recent studies based on a critical perspective of School Psychology support the importance of developing professional practices that start from the understanding that school phenomena are constituted through conceptions, practices and policies that are collectively constructed in the daily lives of schools and outside them (Andrada, Dugnani, Petroni, & Souza, 2019Andrada, P. C.; Dugnani, L. A. C.; Petroni, A. P.; Souza, V. L. T. (2019). Atuação de Psicólogas(os) na Escola: enfrentando desafios na proposição de práticas críticas. Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, 39, 1-16.
; Insfran, Ladeira, & Faria, 2020Insfran, F.; Ladeira, T. A.; Faria, S. E. F. (2020). Fracasso Escolar e Medicalização na Educação: a culpabilização individual e o fomento da cultura patologizante. Movimento-Revista De educação, 7(15).
; Scarin & Souza, 2020Scarin, A. C. C. F.; Souza, M. P. R. (2020). Medicalização e patologização da educação: desafios à psicologia escolar e educacional. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional [online]. 24(e214158), 1-8.
). Based on this assumption, the Technical References for the Performance of Psychologists in Basic Education maintain that the professional’s work should contribute to the school education improvement through the strengthening of democratic processes of educational management and the monitoring of schooling processes (Federal Council of Psychology, 2019Conselho Federal de Psicologia (2019). Referências Técnicas para Atuação de Psicóloga (o)s na Educação Básica. 2ª.ed.Brasília: CFP.).

In this context, the present article is configured as a research report that aimed to evaluate the contributions of the Programa de Atenção e Ressignificação das Queixas Escolares (PARQUE)1 1 Attention and Re-signification of School Complaints Program. to face the pathologization and medicalization of school phenomena. After characterizing the methodological procedures of the research, the results obtained by the studied Program will be presented and discussed.


The study was characterized as being of a qualitative nature. The theoretical-methodological foundation used to understand the subject studied is based on the historical-cultural perspective of Psychology and on authors who produce knowledge based on Critical School Psychology.

The theoretical-methodological reflections proposed by Vigotski2 2 In Portuguese, the author’s name is found with different spellings, depending on the translation performed. In this work we adopted the written form Vigotski, considering it simpler. However, in the References we respect the original spelling of the consulted works. (1896-1934) guided the entire research construction process. This theoretical perspective understands that the subject is constituted through interactions with the social context, which he appropriates from the process of symbolic mediation, building unique meanings, although these are also marked by social determinations, based on shared social meanings in this context (Vigotski, 1998Vigotski, L. S. (1998). A formação social da mente: o desenvolvimento dos processos psicológicos superiores. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.).

The Program studied

PARQUE is the result of a partnership signed in 2013 by professors from the Laboratory of School and Educational Psychology (LAPEE), at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and psychologists from the School of Application of the same university, with the objective of contributing to the formation of psychologists in the area of School and Educational Psychology and to promote attention and re-signification of school complaints in public schools. The school studied is a supervised internship field for academics from different Licentiate, Pedagogy, Psychology and other courses, and it has psychologists on its staff.

The Program is made up of teachers who are members of LAPEE, two school psychologists from the School of Application and students who undertake a mandatory curricular internship in School Psychology. The number of participating professors and interns varies each year according to the number of vacancies offered by each supervisor-professor, with an average of three professors and six interns participating in the PARQUE per academic semester. Together, this collective has been building possibilities of acting in the school that go against the classic demand for evaluation and individual psychological intervention of students who “do not learn/do not behave”, based on theoretical assumptions of Critical School Psychology.

Even so, the most common and recurrent demand that school psychologists receive is the individual referral of students for complaints related to difficulties present in the teaching-learning process and behaviors understood by the school as a “problem”. Such referrals usually come through lists with the names of students indicated by teachers or other professionals from the pedagogical team.

Program interns collaborate in mapping school complaints through classroom observation, interviews with teachers and other school employees, dialogues with students and their families. Intervention actions are planned jointly with academic and local supervisors and discussed with activity participants.

In this way, PARQUE has sought to build professional action strategies based on the relationships that the child, the object of the complaint, has with the school context. As examples, collective interventions have been carried out in the classroom, with the participation of teachers and the joint planning of pedagogical activities and the teaching plan. Without denying the other relationships that the student has with other members of the school community, the Program understands that the teacher is a central actor for the elaboration of partnerships, since he constitutes a mediator of the student’s relationship with knowledge (Cord, Lopes, & Oltramari, 2020Cord, D.; Lopes, J. S.; Oltramari, L. C. (2020). PARQUE: Um programa de estágio na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. In L. C.Oltramari; L. R. C. Feitosa; M. Gesser (Eds.), Psicologia Escolar e Educacional: processos educacionais e debates contemporâneos (pp. 157-177). Florianópolis: Edições do Bosque UFSC/CFH. Recuperado de:


After the formalization of the research proposal with the competent bodies within the school, an email containing a letter of introduction with general information about the study to be developed was sent to all teachers who worked with the initial years (from 1st to 5th year) of Elementary School, as a way to make them aware of the study. At the end of the research, the report was delivered to the participants and approved by all, and a copy was delivered to the institution studied.

For participation in the research, four inclusion criteria were previously defined: a) having received, in their classes, interns linked to PARQUE, for at least one semester; b) voluntarily agree to participate in the study; c) to be in agreement with all the procedures foreseen in the Free and Informed Consent Form; d) work as a teacher, in the school studied, at the time of carrying out the research.

Four were the teachers who met all the established inclusion criteria, three of them being General Education teachers, trained in Pedagogy, and one of them being a Special Education teacher, trained in Special Education (Licentiate).

In order to obtain the information necessary to carry out the research, semi-structured interviews were carried out (Minayo, 2000Minayo, S. C. (2000). Pesquisa social: teoria, método e criatividade. Petrópolis: Vozes.). The interviews were scheduled by e-mail and carried out at the school, in a place capable of guaranteeing comfort and privacy. The interview script covered the characterization of the participants in terms of general information about them, such as age, professional training, time working in the Education area and time working at school; what motivated the choice for the teaching career; challenges of teaching performance; experience working with the Program; Program evaluation with regard to contributions to teaching work; Program general evaluation.

After conducting the interviews, they were transcribed and analyzed based on Bardin’s (1977/2000Bardin, L. (2000). Análise de Conteúdo. Lisboa: Edições 70. Trabalho original publicado em 1977) thematic content analysis proposal. This process started with the detailed transcription of the research participants’ speeches, followed by their floating reading, to identify the main themes and sub-themes present. Conducting a thematic analysis consists of discovering the meaning nuclei that make up the communication whose presence or frequency has meaning for the intended analytical objective (Minayo, 2000Minayo, S. C. (2000). Pesquisa social: teoria, método e criatividade. Petrópolis: Vozes.).

Following the categorization by themes and subthemes, a description of the content to be interpreted was carried out, at which point we sought to obtain both the explicit content and the underlying content, based on the combination of the observation of the research participants and their responses. Finally, the information collected and categorized through the steps described above were related to recent knowledge produced in School Psychology.

In the analyses, we list the following central axes: a) challenges of teaching work; b) contributions and limits of the Program to the schooling process. In this article, we will focus our discussion on the contributions and limits of PARQUE.


PARQUE’s contributions to the resignification of school complaints

According to the study carried out, PARQUE brought many contributions to the de-medicalization of school complaints, which will be presented below in thematic topics.

Promotion of new meanings for school complaints

The work carried out by the Program appears as a promoter of new meanings in the initial formulation of the school complaint, either when it brings a problematization to the student’s unique process in its relationship with learning activities, or when it promotes a qualified listening to the teacher and instigates him to reflect about his performance through another perspective. This issue can be identified in the statement below:

So at that moment I think we see each other a lot, you know... Because it’s also a reflection, right, of your action... And the fact that you observe other people with your class, and other ways of conducting activities, I think it’s a constant reflection, you know, how can we improve. So I think there is always an impact, of the most diverse... (Ana)

Therefore, when analyzing the testimonies based on Vigotski (1930/2003Vigotski, L. S. (2003). Imaginación y creación en la edad infantil. Buenos Aires: Nuestra América. Trabalho original publicado em 1930), it can be affirmed that the studied Program contributed so that the teachers could give a new meaning to aspects of their practices, creating new ways of relating to the teaching activity, through the mediation carried out by the PARQUE team. These transformations were also observed with regard to the relationships between teachers and students with disabilities, a subject that will be the subject of the next topic.

The school complaint and the educational inclusion of people with disabilities

The characteristic homogenization of the teaching structure identifies students with disabilities as a problem, as they often do not live up to standardized performance expectations. Thus, students with disabilities bring this stigma a priori, even before they have had the opportunity to get involved with school tasks (Angelucci & Lins, 2013Angelucci, C. B. (2013). Por uma clínica da queixa escolar que não reproduza a lógica patologizante. In B. P. Souza(Ed.), Orientação à queixa escolar (pp. 353-378). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo.; Gesser, 2020Gesser, M. (2020). Por uma educação anticapacitista: contribuições dos estudos da deficiência para a promoção de processos educativos inclusivos na escola. In L. C. Oltramari; L. R. C.Feitosa; M. Gesser (Eds.), Psicologia escolar e educacional: processos educacionais e debates contemporâneos. (pp. 93-113). Edições do Bosque UFSC/CFH. Recuperado de

The Special Education teacher emphasizes that observations and exchanges with Psychology, through reflections and strategies developed together - Psychology, Special Education and other curricular subjects - were very useful to better understand the network of students’ relations with disabilities and their singular difficulties. In addition, PARQUE also contributed, based on the perspective of inclusive education, to transforming the school inclusion of students with disabilities into a collective project, under the responsibility of several school actors, not just a specialized professional. Teacher Regina highlights:

I feel like this, challenge in shared responsibility with colleagues... special education [...] It seems that... the teacher is going to save the world, now he is your student, right? It’s your responsibility... And that was a very interesting action taken by PARQUE [...] that we’ll have planning, planning meetings where the psychologist, the PARQUE interns, the regular class teacher, me, in short, participated... It was a time for us to think collectively and see these subjects in a collective way and collective responsibility as well... (Regina)

The promotion of inclusive educational processes is in line with the Convenção Sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência (Decree No. 6,949/2009)3 3 Convention about the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. and with the Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Law No. 13.146/2015Lei nº 13.146/2015. (2015). Institui a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência) . Diário Oficial da União (07/07/2015) , p. 2. Recuperado de
)4 4 Brazilian Law for the Inclusion of Person with Disabilities. and establishes the creation of an “inclusive educational system at all levels of learning throughout life”, attributing to the State, the family, the school community and society as a whole, the duty to guarantee quality education to the person with disabilities.

Baglieri, Bejoian, Broderick, Connor and Valle (2011Baglieri, S.; Bejoian, L. M.; Broderick, A. A.; Connor, D. J.; Valle, J. (2011). [Re]claiming “Inclusive Education” toward cohesion in educational reform: Disability studies unravels the myth of the normal child. Teachers College Record, 113(10), 2122-2154.) define inclusive education as one that aims to break with normative conceptions of learning that, based on the medical model, exclude students who differ from what has been established as a norm for learning.

Inclusive education must be based on the elimination of barriers that make it difficult or even prevent students from accessing knowledge and participation, in line with the anti-ableist education (Gesser, 2020Gesser, M. (2020). Por uma educação anticapacitista: contribuições dos estudos da deficiência para a promoção de processos educativos inclusivos na escola. In L. C. Oltramari; L. R. C.Feitosa; M. Gesser (Eds.), Psicologia escolar e educacional: processos educacionais e debates contemporâneos. (pp. 93-113). Edições do Bosque UFSC/CFH. Recuperado de
), which seeks to break discriminatory activities and create structures to recognize and value human diversity.

The importance of qualified listening and dialogic exchange

The step of mapping the school complaint, by using sensitive listening, contributes to the emergence of new meanings about the challenging experiences in the classroom. This can be identified in the testimonials below:

[...] I think that the preparation meetings, the meetings, or the moments I had in other situations to talk, to talk about my complaint, what anguished me, they are somehow important because we don’t have a lot of space at school. [...] So I think, in short, that it is a space within the school routine that has its value. If it were just that, just to say, it already has a value. (Tereza).

There is another thing that I liked a lot, which is the moments of conversations that we had. Conversations with the PARQUE group. [...] Because we think, we reflect on the work [...] And then reflect on the work together, this is a good thing. (Maria).

The information obtained from the participants’ statements indicate that listening with legitimacy to build a joint intervention process for school complaints is not limited to the initial stage of this intervention; on the contrary, it is a central tool in the process of re-signification of school complaints, as it allows not only joint reflection about the difficulties that arise in the schooling process, but also their collective confrontation.

The appreciation that the teachers attribute to the moments of “conversation” with the interns of the Program seems to be related to the lack of other spaces to exercise this dialogic exchange among the teachers themselves, and among them and the other actors in the school (and the low use of the existing spaces), producing solitude in their work realization. In this direction, Insfran, Muniz and Araujo (2019Insfran, F. F. N; Muniz, A. G. C. R.; Araujo, G. G. (2019). Problemas de escolarização, medicalização e docência: outros olhares. Práxis Educacional, 15(36), 84-107.
) emphasize the importance of creating collective spaces for learning and exchanging experiences as fundamental to the valorization of pedagogical knowledge and the teaching role, in the fight against the processes of medicalization of education.

In addition, Cunha, Dazzani, Santos and Zucoloto (2016Cunha, E. O.; Dazzani, M. V. M.; Santos, G. L.; Zucoloto, P. C. S. V. (2016). A queixa escolar sob a ótica de diferentes atores: análise da dinâmica de sua produção. Estudos de Psicologia, (33)2, 237-245.
) identified that the absence of dialogue actions help to crystallize the rhythm and the way in which the school environment rigidly operates, based on norms of higher agencies that demand standardization and social control. This factor is relevant in maintaining the school’s difficulty in dealing with the variability of human experience in the teaching and learning process.

In a context ruled by standardization and control, in which what is not expected is commonly classified as “inadequate”, “abnormal”, it is not surprising that not only students are the object of normalization, but also teachers, who feel watched and judged in their professional performance. This was the fear presented by Maria, when she first came into contact with PARQUE, and that was removed after she got to know the work better: “[...] I don’t see the PARQUE group as someone who points out the destructive... And when I realize that it’s actually to add, it’s more interesting to me”.

The history of Psychology in Education contributed, to a large extent, to the construction of the notion of a supposed superiority of psychological knowledge in relation to pedagogical knowledge and of a vertical relation between psychologists and teachers (Paraventi, Scaff, Cord, & Oltramari, 2017Paraventi, L.; Scaff, L.; Cord, D.; Oltramari, L. (2017). Mediação grupal como estratégia de ressignificação da queixa escolar. Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais. 12(3), 1-14. Recuperado de

Maria’s testimony reinforces the centrality of qualified listening and dialogic exchange for the construction of collaborative practices, in addition to the importance of establishing horizontal relationships between psychologists and teachers, which allow the sharing of feelings and experiences, highlighting the strength of the collective in the face of difficulties: “the restorative power of empathy established by working together” (Insfran, Muniz, & Araújo, 2019Insfran, F. F. N; Muniz, A. G. C. R.; Araujo, G. G. (2019). Problemas de escolarização, medicalização e docência: outros olhares. Práxis Educacional, 15(36), 84-107.
, p. 104). When difficulties can be thought of and faced collectively, solutions can also come from the collective. This topic will be further discussed in the following topic.

From blaming the individual to strengthening collectives

The testimonies of interviewed teachers indicate that, through the interventions of the Program, their attention is no longer focused exclusively on the students’ behaviors that harm the progress of classes, and starts to focus on the understanding of how the group acts as a whole, how it organizes itself and reacts to demands - institutional, social and political - that affect them.

[...] what I think PARQUE does is make the group part of our content, I think this is important... (Maria).

[...] any issue is a reason for conflict [...] And then, with PARQUE’s intervention, this strengthening of bonds, these strategies, identifying what was necessary to work in that class, ends up generating an important result for the main purpose, which is learning at school. [...] So it was a very important learning experience, and it was a time for children to feel even more valued in their word, because [for] this we often have little space at school... And I believe which is an essential space! (Regina).

In this way, the speeches presented indicate that the activities carried out by PARQUE also contributed to the integration of the classes and their constitution as a group, corroborating the conflicts resolution and the fluidity of the work developed by the teachers, by allowing the class to analyze its functioning and the conflict points that make difficult social relationships and learning together.

Both Bittencourt, Lima and Gesser (2017Bittencourt, I. G.; Lima, Á. R.; Gesser, M. (2017). O trabalho em grupo como dispositivo para ressignificação da queixa escolar. Gerais: Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia, 10(2), 194-203. Recuperado de
), as well as Paraventi et al. (2017Paraventi, L.; Scaff, L.; Cord, D.; Oltramari, L. (2017). Mediação grupal como estratégia de ressignificação da queixa escolar. Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais. 12(3), 1-14. Recuperado de
), bet on working with interpersonal bonds as one of the possible strategies for the resignification of school complaints. Paraventi et al. (2017)Paraventi, L.; Scaff, L.; Cord, D.; Oltramari, L. (2017). Mediação grupal como estratégia de ressignificação da queixa escolar. Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais. 12(3), 1-14. Recuperado de
also emphasize that working with groups in the school context enables the emergence of new meanings for school experiences, as it allows the identification of existing individual and collective resources and the creation of new ways of meaning and experiencing the challenges present in the schooling process.

As the PARQUE allows different voices to be heard and the word of each one is an important piece of data, a new image of oneself and others can emerge. Thus, the exercise of alterity and the implication in the search for a new way of operating as a group, promoting the strengthening of bonds, since it made it possible to identify more precisely the obstacle points in the teaching-learning process, incited the class to launch themselves in overcoming impasses in the classroom.

As it was possible to observe so far, the studied Program brought a series of contributions to the confrontation the medicalization process of the school complaint. As an example, we can highlight the production of new meanings about the school complaint, through the valorization of teaching work, qualified listening and collective work in solving the problems that arise in the schooling process. However, limits were also pointed out by the teachers who participated in the research and will be addressed in the next section.


From “problem student” to “problem class”?

Some testimonies indicated that the Program’s intervention in certain classes was due to the fact that they were identified by the school as “problematic classes”. The psychologist as an agent of correction of the groups characterized by the social actors of the school as dysfunctional evidences the perspective of the biomedical model of performance of the school psychologist, already criticized by authors such as Souza (2014Souza, M. P. R(2014). Desafios para uma atuação profissional de psicólogos frente à queixa escolar: compromisso ético, político e social. In M. P. R. Souza; S. M. C. Silva; K. Yamamoto (Eds.), Atuação do Psicólogo na Educação Básica: concepções, práticas e desafios (pp. 283-293). Uberlândia: Edufu.).

Teacher Maria brought up the possible stigma that the presence of the Program signals, as the work is done in classes that present a school complaint. Here is her testimony:

[...] so the PARQUE signals the place of the problem? What ends up creating the stigma of this group? At the same time, it gives hope that something changes [...] when the PARQUE arrives, it seems that something is possible. I think this is important too. Perhaps this is also the ambiguity of PARQUE. It is not for everyone, but when it comes, it comes with hope for what is very hard [...] (Maria)

In this sense, it is important to point out that the class can be seen as dysfunctional when the complexity of the constituent elements of the school complaint is not apprehended. Several factors of different orders can influence the emergence of difficulties in the classroom, such as general educational policies that do not take into account the needs of schools, curricula created vertically, work overload, immediacy and prejudice against poor students are some of these factors (Andrada et al., 2019Andrada, P. C.; Dugnani, L. A. C.; Petroni, A. P.; Souza, V. L. T. (2019). Atuação de Psicólogas(os) na Escola: enfrentando desafios na proposição de práticas críticas. Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, 39, 1-16.

Furthermore, although the Program proposes a look at the complexity of the relations established in the school, in some situations it ends up having to use the “problem class” as an analyzer. However, at no time is the understanding of the school complaint reduced to the scope of the relations established in the class itself; what is sought is to understand how the complaint is produced and how the processes of subjectivation and objectification of the individuals involved in its production take place (Cord, Lopes, & Oltramari, 2020Cord, D.; Lopes, J. S.; Oltramari, L. C. (2020). PARQUE: Um programa de estágio na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. In L. C.Oltramari; L. R. C. Feitosa; M. Gesser (Eds.), Psicologia Escolar e Educacional: processos educacionais e debates contemporâneos (pp. 157-177). Florianópolis: Edições do Bosque UFSC/CFH. Recuperado de:

As teacher Maria said, “it [the Program] is not for everyone”. PARQUE will continue to mark the place of the problem as long as the notion of a restricted and regulated “right” continues to exist, which needs to be generalized to everyone in the school environment. The co-option by the established rules and powers prevails far above a problematization about the possible determinants that contribute to the constitution of the school complaint.

The analysis of the research data indicates that PARQUE is more effective when, instead of proposing to solve the alleged problem stated, it exposes and questions the elements that form it, which announce it as lawlessness and failure. The dimension of the possible stigma carried by groups worked by the Program is related to the affective impact of the interventions. Any work about school complaints will have implications and complex interactions in the daily activities of the classroom and on an emotional level in the subjects.

Thus, as proposed by Angelucci (2013Angelucci, C. B.; Lins, F. R. S. (2013). Pessoas significativamente diferentes e o direito à educação: uma relação atravessada pela queixa. In B. P. Souza (Ed.), Orientação à queixa escolar (pp. 329-349). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo.), repositioning the actors directly involved in that complaint becomes an essential step to polish it and focus intervention alternatives that can bring results and re-signification of the elements that compose it, with the horizon of depathologization.

School time and psychological time

The processes of subjectivation in the encounter with the other do not have a defined time or scale of measurement and, unlike the school calendar, they are not determined by the course of the school year. The interviewed teachers question the time of the intervention. Let’s see:

[...] for me it has an implication of the time relation. Because it observes in one period, and intervenes in the other, and it is very short. It is known that subjective issues are dense, and that no one works on emotions in the short term, so the PARQUE has to think about what deadline it will have in view of the work it intends to do... for me, right... (Maria).

No work can fully remedy the anxieties and demands, regardless of the time of observation and intervention and also, it shouldn’t be that way. Perhaps this impression of the intervention brevity- two academic semesters, on average - is correct, or perhaps it arises from the expectations created, the subjective results, which are barely visible. Tereza presents her expectations in this regard:

[...] it’s not as fast as we expect. So, sometimes, there is a child in a super complex situation, and we want to solve it! And then we want everyone’s help to solve it [...] and still we don’t see much change... because they are issues, usually when it’s a situation like this, much more complex, right... (Tereza)

What PARQUE brings are elements for the contexts re-signification, as complex and adaptable to pressures and constraints as the school complaint itself; one of them is time. Souza (2013Souza, B. P. (2013). Funcionamentos escolares e a produção do fracasso escolar e sofrimento. In B. P. Souza (Ed.), Orientação à queixa escolar (pp. 241-278). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo.) emphasizes the need to maintain a careful attitude in the relation between school time and the psychological time of the subjects, in order to prevent further violence from being committed and the potential for school failure.

In addition, the research carried out by Labadessa and Lima (2017Labadessa, V. M.; Lima, V. A. A. de. (2017). Queixa escolar: repercussões na escola a partir do atendimento psicológico. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 21(3), 369-377.
) points out that schools, in general, do not discuss the feedback they receive from referrals to psychological care, nor do they create intervention strategies in the face of difficulties, under the justification of time lack. Lima, Cruz, Lima and Brandão (2021)Lima, M. L. C.; Cruz, B. A.; Lima, L. N.; Brandão, D. A. S. (2021). Debatendo sobre medicalização com docentes em escolas públicas e privadas. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional [online]. 25, 1-9.
highlight that working time consumed by pressure from different instances, internal and external to schools, is one of the factors that contributes to the lack of criticism of medicalization processes in school institutions, which tend to naturalize the presence of medical diagnoses as explanations for the problems that arise in the teaching-learning process.

School teams, pressured by the overload of tasks and increasing demands, find themselves impelled to give an immediate solution to everything, failing to value spaces for exchanges and collective reflection (Andrada et al, 2019Andrada, P. C.; Dugnani, L. A. C.; Petroni, A. P.; Souza, V. L. T. (2019). Atuação de Psicólogas(os) na Escola: enfrentando desafios na proposição de práticas críticas. Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, 39, 1-16.
). If there is no time for collective intervention in what appears to be a difficulty in the daily life of the school, the expectation is that Psychology will solve the supposed problem in an almost surgical, specialized and materially visible way, which brings us, once again, to the traditional expectations about an adaptationist and corrective action of psychologists at school.


The differential provided by PARQUE occurs mainly in the relations between teacher-student of the researched school. The work aimed at reframing school complaints produced reflections about the challenges of the classroom, enabling a movement of non-blaming the student for his/her failure to meet performance expectations.

In promoting a joint process of elaboration of the school complaint, PARQUE develops practices that bring different actors closer to the educational environment and acts as a mediator in the multidetermined understanding of educational processes. The resignification of the complaint goes through the perception and the different involvement of teachers about their role in educational processes.

The results analysis showed that the presentation of questions by teachers about a class, initially characterized as maladjusted and dysfunctional, was modulating as the Program mediated new processes of meaning about the complaint. Different visions and postures were fostered due to the inclusion of other elements in the elaboration of what initially appeared as a problem in the classroom. As elements, we highlight the institutional and social relations that had a considerable impact on that group of students and teachers with regard to the teaching-learning process.

The creation of a space for listening and dialogue between the different actors involved in the complaint was also shown to be a differential of PARQUE for the teachers interviewed. These define it as gratifying to be able to count on a joint work in the observation and discussion about the teaching challenges. The school complaint problematization initially presented and the improvement in the bonds between students and teachers were important results of this action.

As observed in the testimonies, the understanding of the school complaint as multidetermined by relational, institutional, social and political elements allows the construction of new meanings about school failure. In this way, this understanding corroborates the depathologization of teaching-learning relations, impacting not only the subjects directly involved, but also the school dynamics, the values ​​and practices fed in this network of relationships. Still about the school complaint, the study also indicated that it is important to treat it as a collective challenge, since the teaching-learning process does not take place apart from institutional and social relations, which points to the relevance that these relations be transformed in order to break with the pathologization and medicalization of school phenomena.

Finally, PARQUE can materialize an ethical-political practice of the school psychology professional as a non-psychologizing practice that has as its center the problematization of educational issues based on the complexity of the elements that constitute it. In this way, it pointed to the importance of building collective practices and the elaboration of public policies in the field of education aimed at welcoming different ways of learning as a guarantee of the human rights of all social actors in the school.

The study brought important elements for the understanding of the effects of a proposal of attention and re-signification of the school complaint, based on internship experiences in School Psychology in a critical perspective. Consistent with the theoretical-methodological assumptions that support it, it does not intend to generalize the results obtained; although based on Vigotski (1995Vygotski, L. S. (1995). Obras Escogidas: Vol. 3. Problemas del desarollo de la psique. Madrid, España: Visor.; 1999Vigotski, L. S. (1999). Teoria e método em Psicologia. São Paulo, SP: Martins Fontes. Trabalho escrito em 1930 e publicado em 1960.), through the dialectic of the singular-particular-universal, such elements can help us to understand the complexity of the phenomena involved in the resignification of school complaints.

Even so, it is important to emphasize that this research portrayed the results of a singular experience. New studies are needed for a better understanding of the relation established between teachers and psychologists in the school routine and about the effects of this relation on the teaching-learning processes. Research is also needed that includes the perspective of Basic Education students who have undergone Psychology interventions within schools and about the contributions of internship experiences, in a de-medicalizing perspective, for the professional training of future psychologists.


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  • 1
    Attention and Re-signification of School Complaints Program.
  • 2
    In Portuguese, the author’s name is found with different spellings, depending on the translation performed. In this work we adopted the written form Vigotski, considering it simpler. However, in the References we respect the original spelling of the consulted works.
  • 3
    Convention about the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • 4
    Brazilian Law for the Inclusion of Person with Disabilities.
  • This paper was translated from Portuguese by Ana Maria Pereira Dionísio.
  • This research has received financial support from the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq), through the Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC).

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 Apr 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 Apr 2020
  • Accepted
    10 Oct 2021
Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE) Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE), Rua Mirassol, 46 - Vila Mariana , CEP 04044-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Fone/Fax (11) 96900-6678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil