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The Ethical-Political Commitment of School and Educational Psychology

In 2019, the Journal of School and Educational Psychology debuted with some changes in its configuration since this 23rd edition, the volume has become unique and the publication has become bilingual, which will enable reading by a greater number of readers.

In addition, this year, the Brazilian Association of School and Educational Psychology - ABRAPEE - held the XIV National Congress of School and Educational Psychology, CONPE, at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), in Campo Grande, from 28 to 31 August. The theme of the event, chosen by ABRAPEE's Board of Directors, was “Education, Inclusion and Human Rights: dialogues with School and Educational Psychology”, in tune with the current times. There were 59 workshops, 54 symposiums, 29 round-tables discussions, 154 posters, 218 Sharing Experiences, totaling 514 scientific activities, in addition to Exhibitions, Book Launch, Cine Debate, Debate Forum, ABRAPEE Meetings with Entities of Brazilian and Latin American Psychology, meeting of Forum about Medicalization of Education and Society, ABRAPEE General Assembly and cultural activities.

In this event, we highlight three fundamental releases for the insertion of Psychologists in Education with direct participation of the Brazilian Association of School and Educational Psychology: the revised edition of the Technical References for the Performance of Psychologists in Basic Education produced by the Technical Reference Center in Psychology and Public Policy - CREPOP (Federal Council of Psychology, 2019Conselho Federal de Psicologia(2019). Referências técnicas para atuação de psicólogas(os) na Educação Básica. 2. ed. Brasília: CFP.); the book about the national research “Violence and Prejudices in the school: contributions of Psychology (UFMT & Fenpb, 2018Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso; Fórum das Entidades Nacionais da Psicologia Brasileira (Eds.). (2018). Violência e Preconceitos na escola: contribuições da Psicologia. Brasília, DF: Conselho Federal de Psicologia.) and the Dialogues Magazine number 11 (2019Revista Diálogos(2019). Psicologia e Educação. Ano 15, no 11, Brasília. Recuperado de
), totally dedicated to the theme Psychology and Education. These important publications demonstrate the presence of Psychology professionals in Education, at all levels and instances, inserted in public policies and acting from ethical-political principles built in the field of Psychology.

Bearing in mind of the consolidation of the proposals for action and formation of Psychology in educational public policies, we are striving vehemently this year 2019 for draft bills that will formalize a place that is already recognized and constituted in several Brazilian municipalities and states and in fundamental public policies such as the Federal Institutes, the Inclusion of People with Disabilities and the Unified Social Assistance System.

Through Law 3688/2000, which deals with Social Assistance and Psychology Services in the Brazilian basic education networks, we seek to enable public education to receive professionals who have long been present in private education networks. In the Manifest for the Approval of PL 3688/2000, ABRAPEE, together with Brazilian Psychology entities, details the set of actions that may be performed by Psychology within the scope of the basic Education network, namely: a) in the elaboration of pedagogical projects, plans and strategies, based on their knowledge in developmental psychology and learning, from the perspective of promoting the learning of all students, with their peculiar characteristics; b) proposing effective ways of overcoming a school's working difficulties, of dealing with frustrating teaching attempts; c) proposing strategies to solve inadequacies of school procedures in the face of community reality, as the same as local and regional peculiarities; d) in the orientation of cases of difficulties in the teaching and learning processes; e) in the evaluation of emotional and conduct problems, making referrals to health centers, when necessary; f) in the teachers’ training, which takes place in the collective activities of each school, from the perspective of constant reflection on teaching practices; g) jointly assessing the problems faced by the school and conducting coping actions; h) contributing to the promotion of learning processes, seeking, together with the pedagogical teams, to promote the inclusion of all children and adolescents.

The possibility of working in a multidisciplinary team with professionals from the Social Work and other areas of activity is fundamental for us to work in Social Protection Networks for Children and Adolescents. As the Manifest analyzes, the school psychologist will be the professional who will act to articulate and strengthen the Social Protection Network, organizing intersectional actions with public services, the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS), the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center (CREAS), Center for Children and Adolescents (CCA), Youth Center (CJ), Basic Health Unit (UBS), Family Health Support Center (NASF), Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS), Guardianship Councils and seek to establish partnerships with Educational Units.

The relevance of the work of Psychology professionals is also present when it was urgently approved the House of Representatives, this draft bill, a fact that took place on September 12th, 2019, having only one political party opposed to its approval. The presidential veto that occurred days later reveals the insensitivity of the Public Power to the yearnings of society and the urgent needs of Brazilian Education. More and more frequent episodes of suicide, self-harm, depression and tragedies with school killings reveal the poor living and working conditions of students, teachers, managers and families, with no possibility of professional reception in basic education networks.

The School and Educational Psychology does not give up to expand its presence, so necessary for those who construct the school day by day, the formative practices, that defend human values, that seek to guarantee social rights and that aim to reduce inequalities and discrimination in society and at school. We are still fighting: for a fairer society, for a school of social quality, for human development rooted in values that promote ethics, participation and social engagement.

We end by recalling the of Paulo Freire’s wise words (1997Freire, P. (1997). Pedagogia da Esperança. Um reencontro com a Pedagogia do Oprimido. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Paz e Terra S.A.), Brazilian Education Patron who states: “In a country like Brazil, keeping hope alive is itself a revolutionary act”.


  • Conselho Federal de Psicologia(2019). Referências técnicas para atuação de psicólogas(os) na Educação Básica 2. ed. Brasília: CFP.
  • Freire, P. (1997). Pedagogia da Esperança. Um reencontro com a Pedagogia do Oprimido Rio de Janeiro: Editora Paz e Terra S.A.
  • Revista Diálogos(2019). Psicologia e Educação Ano 15, no 11, Brasília. Recuperado de
  • Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso; Fórum das Entidades Nacionais da Psicologia Brasileira (Eds.). (2018). Violência e Preconceitos na escola: contribuições da Psicologia Brasília, DF: Conselho Federal de Psicologia.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    9 Dec 2019
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2019
Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE) Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE), Rua Mirassol, 46 - Vila Mariana , CEP 04044-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Fone/Fax (11) 96900-6678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil