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A glance at sheltering: the importance of the ties in a shelter context

This study aims at understanding the universe of the child institutionalized in a shelter. To achieve this goal it was performed semi-structered interviews with the technical crew of the institution, represented by the manager, the social agent, the secretary and five professionals (know as social mothers) who are responsible for taking care of the children in the shelters, as well as with two employees (know as time off mothers) who take place in the absence of the social mother. The data colected from the interviews allowed the identification of aspects such as: the childhood conception of the crew; conceptions about the family of origin and the establishing of linkings in institutional context. These results show a diversity of viewpoints and, consequently, different actions in dealing with the child. This is a worrying feature considering the age of the children dealt with in the research.

Children; Shelter; Ties

Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE) Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE), Rua Mirassol, 46 - Vila Mariana , CEP 04044-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Fone/Fax (11) 96900-6678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil