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Hostile territories and crisis response in CAPS III in the city of Rio de Janeiro


Despite the significant progress of the Psychiatric Reform process in Brazil, assistance to people in crisis represents a node in the care of people with mental disorders, as it demands from the mental health care network a different response from the classic psychiatric hospitalization. This work, based on the analysis of documents and conducting interviews with managers at central and local levels, sought to investigate how the reception of the crisis takes place in the Psychosocial Care Centers III in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Data analysis was based on Giddens' Theory of Structuring, relating the attitudes of managers with available resources. The work identified advances in CAPS III implementation processes, however insufficient and poorly distributed in the territory. In addition, territorial violence emerged as an important variable in the impact of the population's mental health and in the development of health actions. It is concluded that it is important to implement more CAPS III, especially in regions totally devastated by services that host the crisis.

Crisis Intervention; Center of Psychosocial Attention; Psychosocial Attention; Mental Health; Territory

PHYSIS - Revista de Saúde Coletiva Instituto de Medicina Social Hesio Cordeiro - UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - sala 6013-E- Maracanã. 20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (21) 2334-0504 - ramal 268, Web: - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil