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Unique meat, new meat. Body and democratization of biomedical technologies of corporal transformation for trans people in the current Argentine scenario


This paper looks to reflect on the process ranging from the production of biomedical knowledge around diverse sex-generic identities, to the transformations in the ways of representing trans people, as subjects of law in the Argentine State. The organizations have broken into the political arena, imprinting some characteristics to the medical and legal transsexuality device in Argentine. Thus, subjects-patients/sufferers that have born in “wrong bodies” became collectively organized and empowered from this body as a vehicle to demand and negotiate other possibilities of being in the world. The recent approval of the Gender Indentity Law introduced changes in the democratization of access to biomedical technologies of body transformation, in the hospital care dynamics and its implications on the production of subjectivities biotechnologically mediated. Finally, we introduce the discussion about new ways of biosociabilty and knowledge production, which configure particular relationships between science, technology, users, health professionals and public institutions.

biomedical technologies; knowledge production; biosociability; trans people

PHYSIS - Revista de Saúde Coletiva Instituto de Medicina Social Hesio Cordeiro - UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - sala 6013-E -Maracanã, CEP: 20550-013, E-mail:, Web: - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil