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Health needs of primary care workers: an experience report of articulation between researchers, managers and workers in the city of São Paulo


Knowledge Translation (KT) provides technologies that can be used to operationalize the collaboration between university and society for evidence-informed policy-making in response to health needs. Based on the formation of a working group (one of the available KT technologies) and to understand the health needs of Primary Health Care (PHC) workers in the city of São Paulo, this study aimed to report the experience of problematization and instrumentalization carried out with researchers, managers and PHC workers of the city of São Paulo. The Historical and Dialectical Materialism oriented the process of emancipatory workshops with the participants. The problems faced by the workers were raised and workshops and seminars were held to provide knowledge according to the needs of the group of participants. In the process of understanding the health needs of PHC workers the participants related the forms of work organization to the workers' wear out, which was emphasized by the group. The formation of the group was strategic to reach the objective and also to direct the research on the answers to the health needs of workers in the area, the next stage of the KT.

Health Personnel; Occupational Health; Primary Health Care; Policy Making; Evidence-Informed Policy

PHYSIS - Revista de Saúde Coletiva Instituto de Medicina Social Hesio Cordeiro - UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - sala 6013-E -Maracanã, CEP: 20550-013, E-mail:, Web: - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil