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Tensions and differences between popular know-how and biomedical knowledge production: the case cannabis for therapeutic purposes


Approximately since the year 2010, the therapeutic uses of cannabis have spread in our Latin American societies. These therapies are mostly built in domestic contexts and in networks apart of official health institutions. In this sense, biomedicine tends to subordinate any alternative know-how to the hegemonic medical model. Our objective is to describe how the popular know-how around therapeutic uses of cannabis is produced, identifying the tensions and differences with biomedicine. Methodologically, we build a description of this popular know-how, in contrast to biomedicine, based on experiences documented in previous research. Our results account for the uniqueness of the epistemic, methodological, and values characteristics of the construction of therapeutic uses of cannabis, for which epistemic authority is denied and a marginal role in the production, circulation, and recognition of its therapeutic value is assigned. We appeal to the concept of epistemic violence to understand this process. Moreover, this violence can sometimes contribute to institutional violence. We consider it necessary to make visible the epistemic violence that prevents the development of alternative knowledge and therapies that complement and (re)create, but not replace, ways of thinking and intervening in health issues.

Therapeutic cannabis; Popular know-how; Biomedicine; Epistemic violence

PHYSIS - Revista de Saúde Coletiva Instituto de Medicina Social Hesio Cordeiro - UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - sala 6013-E -Maracanã, CEP: 20550-013, E-mail:, Web: - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil