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On the dynamism of Amerindian musical objects: notes from yãmĩy chants among the Brazilian maxakali (tikmũ'ũn)


The yãmĩy chants, constantly actualized by maxakali speaking indigenous groups, correspond to a myriad of extraordinary beings, which are related to a mythic sphere. Fixed, perennial, and showing little space for improvisation, the yãmĩy chants are marked by both a disposition to dissolution and a constant revision of form as the analytical angle expands. The flux that follows a densely quotational tapestry, with local and constantly re-signified polarizations, transforms the sequences of diachronic objects into true pulse zones, designed over a continuous background, in the mode of "internal differences" or "intensive superpositions of heterogeneous states" (VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, 200623 ______ (2006). "A floresta de cristal: notas sobre a ontologia dos espíritos amazônicos". Cadernos de Campo (USP). v.14-15, p.319-338.).

Amerindian music; yãmĩymaxakali/tikmũ'ũn chants; dynamism of musical objects

Escola de Música da UFMG Escola de Música da UFMG. Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Pampulha. Cep: 31270-010 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil