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Application of nanothecnology in food packaging


Nanotechnology has great application potential in the food industry. In packaging development, it can provide several alternatives, such as the formation of nanoparticles, nanodispersions, nanolayered and nanotubes, which, associated with polymers, can provide multiple functions. For example, by embedding nanoparticles with antimicrobial properties; nanosensors capable of detecting chemicals products, pathogens and toxins in food; bioactive nanoparticles capable of maintaining compounds at optimal conditions until its migration to the food product and nanocomposites, which improve the properties of flexibility, gas and humidity barrier and UV irradiation absorption of the materials to which are incorporated, as well as stability against temperature. This article reports some applications of nanotechnology in food packaging, as well as questions regarding toxicity and regulations related to the migration of nanoparticles to the food products; reason why the food industry has been cautious with the utilization of these materials.

toxicity; regulation; nanoparticles; active packaging; intelligent packaging

Associação Brasileira de Polímeros Rua São Paulo, 994, Caixa postal 490, São Carlos-SP, Tel./Fax: +55 16 3374-3949 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil