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Properties of regenerated cellulose films with silver nanoparticles and plasticizersa a This paper has been partially presented at the 17th Brazilian Polymer Congress, held in Joinville, SC, 29/Oct - 02/Nov/2023.


Nanocomposite films from cellulose jute fibers can be promising for application in electronic devices, mainly when silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are added, which increases their conductivity. This work studied the transmittance, conductivity, and thermal stability of regenerated cellulose films (RCF) by adding AgNPs and plasticizers. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), sorbitol, and glycerol plasticizers were incorporated at 15 wt.% and 0.5 wt.% of AgNPs. The resulting materials were studied using Ultraviolet-visible and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, electrical analysis using the Van der Pauw method, and thermogravimetry. As a result, an average size of 9 nm for AgNPs was verified. Incorporating AgNP in the films decreased the transmittance by a minimum of 34% compared to pure RCF and reduced thermal stability by at least 10 ºC. Nanocomposites containing plasticizers showed an improved conductivity after incorporating these components, from 10-2 to 10-1 (S/cm).

regenerated cellulose films; silver nanoparticles; transmittance; conductivity; thermal stability

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