Open-access Determination leaching of boron from Oriental beech wood coated with polyurethane/polyurea (PUU) hybrid and epoxy (EPR) resins


In this study, the leaching performance of boron compounds from Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis L.) wood coated with polyurethane/polyurea (PUU) hybrid resin and epoxy resin (EPR) was investigated. Leaching of boron test and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) analyzes were applied to the prepared test specimens. According to the leaching of boron test results, specimens coated with polyurethane/polyurea (PUU) hybrid resin gave the most positive result against boron leaching. It was found that boric acid (BA) impregnated and epoxy resin (EPR) coated Oriental beech wood showed a smoother surface than other treatment groups.

Keywords:  boron compounds; epoxy resin; leaching of boron; Oriental beech; polyurethane/polyurea hybrid resin

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