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Rheological characterization of xanthan gum: influence from univalent and trivalent metallic ions and from the temperature in dynamic experiments

The dynamic rheological properties of water xanthan gum solutions with and without the addition of NaCl or Al2(SO4)3.18H2O were measured in a strain controlled rheometer applying heating and cooling cycles. The terminal relaxation time decreased with increasing temperature. This time increased with the addition of 0.5 wt. (%) of salt, but decreased when 1 wt. (%) was added. During heating a conformational change occurred at 51 °C and upon cooling two structures were observed between 86 and 47 °C and below 47 °C. When salt was added there was no conformational change during heating, but the two structures again appeared during cooling, though at different temperature ranges.

Xanthan; conformational change; rheology; gels; viscoelasticity

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