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Synthesis, characterization and thermokinetic analysis of the novel sugar based styrene co-polymer


A new α-chloralose (1,2-O-(R)-trichloroethylidene-α-D-glucofuranose)-based copolymer of styrene (PSVTEG) (2) was synthesized from vinyl (hydroxyl) furan monomer (1) and styrene by a conventional free radical polymerization reaction. The thermal decomposition kinetics of polymer were investigated by means of thermogravimetric analysis in dynamic nitrogen atmosphere at different heating rates. The apparent activation energy for the main stage thermal decomposition of the copolymer PSVTEG (2) was calculated using the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and found to be 159.0±3 kj/mol. In addition, the activation energy value was calculated according to Coats-Redfern method and found to be compatible with the obtained result. The thermogram of the glycopolymer (PSVTEG) (2) has two decomposition stages and the calculated activation energy indicated that the main degradation stage is a nonspontaneous process (integral form 1/(1−α)2 for F3).

glycopolymers; carbohydrate based vinyl copolymer; α-chloralose; thermal analysis; decomposition kinetic

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