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Evaluation of graphene incorporation for mechanical properties of polypropylene composites


Graphene nanoparticles (GnP) were selected as an alternative reinforcing nanofillers, which enhances the mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP-homo and PP-block copolymer). It may play the role of compatibilizer in polypropylene-graft-maleic anhydride (PP-g-MA) from a double-screw extruder. The effect of GnP loading and the use of the PP-g-MA compatibilizer were studied. The influence on the mechanical properties of tensile strength, elongation at break, IZOD impact strength, and melting temperature in PP-homo and PP-block copolymer were investigated and compared. Their improvement was observed at to a certain amount of 0.3% (by mass) of GnP depending on the substrate nature: homopolymer or block copolymer. The increase from 69.3 J.m-1 to 176.0 J.m-1 corresponds to a 2.5 times rising in IZOD impact resistance for block copolymer. The PP block copolymer has a significant affinity in respect of the presence of graphene and the compatibilizer due to the elastomeric co-monomer present in the block copolymer.

graphene nanoparticles; polypropylene; homopolymer; block copolymer

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