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Abdoli et al. (2017ABDOLI B, MIRHASSANI S & HOOSHMAND F. 2017. Model and algorithm for bi-fuel vehicle routing problem to reduce GHG emissions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer, 24: 21610-21624.) |
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Afshar et al. (2016AFSHAR M, MEHRABI A, SAFARI H, MALEKI M & JOLAI F. 2016. A green vehicle routing problem with customer satisfaction criteria. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Springer, 12: 529-544.) |
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Amiri et al. (2022AMIRI A, AMIN SH & ZOLFAGHARINIA H. 2022. A bi-objective green vehicle routing problem with a mixed fleet of conventional and electric trucks: Considering charging power and density of stations. Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier, 213(119228).) |
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Defalque et al. (2021aDEFALQUE C, DA SILVA AF & SILVA MARINS FA. 2021a. Goal programming model applied to waste paper logistics processes. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 98: 185-206.) |
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Ferreira et al. (2021FERREIRA KM, ALVES DE QUEIROZ T & BRAGION F. 2021. An exact approach for the green vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints and split delivery. Computers and Operations Research, Elsevier, 336(105452).) |
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Feng et al. (2017FENG Y, ZHANG R & JIA G. 2017. Vehicle routing problems with fuel consumption and stochastic travel speeds. Mathematical problems in engineering, Hindawi, 2017(6329203): 16.) |
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Foroutan et al. (2020FOROUTAN RA, REZAEIAN J & MAHDAVI I. 2020. Green vehicle routing and scheduling problem with heterogeneous fleet including reverse logistics in the form of collecting returned goods. Applied Soft Computing Journal, Elsevier, 94(106462).) |
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Hasheme (2021HASHEME SE. 2021. A fuzzy multi-objective optimization model for a sustainable reverse logistics network design of municipal waste-collecting considering the reduction of emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 318(128577).) |
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Moghdani et al. (2021MOGHDANI R, SALIMIFARD K, DEMIR E & BENYETTOU A. 2021. The green vehicle routing problem: A systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 279(123691).) |
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Mojtahedi et al. (2021MOJTAHEDI M, FATHOLLAHI-FARD AM & TAVAKKOLO-MOGHADDAM R. 2021. Sustainable vehicle routing problem for coordinated solid waste management. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Elsevier, 23(100220).) |
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Niu et al. (2018NIU Y, YANG Z, CHEN P & XIAO J. 2018. Optimizing the green open vehicle routing problem with windows by minimizing comprehensive routing cost. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 171: 962-971.) |
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Niu et al. (2022NIU Y, YANG Z, WEN R, XIAO J & ZHANG S. 2022. Solving the Green Open Vehicle Routing Problem Using a Membrane-Inspired Hybrid Algorithm. Sustainability, MDPI, 14(14): 8661.) |
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Normasari et al. (2019NORMASARI NME, YU VF, BACHTIYAR C & SUKOYO. 2019. A simulated annealing heuristic for the capacitated Green vehicle routing problem. Mathematical problems in engineering, Hindawi, 2019(2358258): 18.) |
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Olgun et al. (2021OLGUN B, KOC C, & ALTIPARMAK F. 2021. A hyper heuristic for the green vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier, 153(107010).) |
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Peng et al. (2020PENG B, WU L, YI Y & CHEN X. 2020. Solving the multi-depot green vehicle routing problem by a hybrid evolutionary. Sustainability, MDPI, 12(5).) |
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Rezaei et al. (2019REZAEI N, EBRAHIMNEJAD S, MOOSAVI A & NIKFARJAM A. 2019. A green vehicle routing problem with time windows considering the heterogeneous fleet of vehicles: two metaheuristic algorithms. European journal of industrial engineering, 13(4): 507-535.) |
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Ruiz et al. (2019RUIZ E, SOTO-MENDOZA V, RUIZ BARBOSA AE & REYES R. 2019. Solving the open vehicle routing problem with capacity and distance constraints with a biased random key genetic algorithm. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier, 133(3): 207-219.) |
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Wang et al. (2019WANG Y, ASSOGBA K, FAN J, XU M & LIU Y. 2019. Multi-depot green vehicle routing problem with shared transportation resource: Integration of time-dependent speed and piecewise penalty cost. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 232: 12-29.) |
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Wen et al. (2022WEN M, SUN W, YU Y, TANG J & LKOU K. 2022. An adaptive large neighborhood search for the larger-scale multi depot green vehicle routing problem with time windows. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 374(133916).) |
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Wu & Wu (2022WU D & WU C. 2022. Research on the Time-Dependent Split Delivery Green Vehicle Routing Problem for Fresh Agricultural Products with Multiple Time Windows. Agriculture, MDPI, 12(6).) |
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Xu et al. (2019XU Z, ELOMRI A, POKHAREL S & MUTLU F. 2019. A model for capacitated green vehicle routing problem with the time-varying vehicle speed and soft time windows. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier, 137(106011).) |
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