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Authority, Violence and Education 1 5 Podemos acrescentar ainda, entre outros, o brilhante ensaio Freud e os não-europeus, do intelectual palestino e ativista da paz Edward W. Said (2004). 2 2 Normalization, preparation, and Portuguese review: Ailton Junior – 3 3 English version: Bibiana Silveira Luft – 4 4 Revision (English): Andreza Aguiar –; Érika Tamashiro <> 5 5 The text is derived from the development of "Archives of violence in education: challenges for the relationship between violence, memory and language - Phase 3", a research project registered under process number 306987/2020-1, which was approved by the CNPq with a Research Productivity Scholarship. 6 6 As for the quotes used throughout the text, we chose to translate directly form the excerpt used, instead of looking for any materials originally written in other languages, as that is what the author had access to and what informed his reflection. We did, however, use the books’ titles in their English published version, maintaining the dates referent to the issue used by the author.


The article aims to focus on the relationship between violence and the crisis of authority in the educational context, considering the saturated environment of biopolitics. It seeks to interpret the work of the final phase of Sigmund Freud's life, Man Moses and the monotheistic religion as a counter-hegemonic witness to biopolitics. Based on some thesis defended in the work, especially the one of the vacant place of the image of the father, the article establishes relations with the role of the teacher before the scenery of violence and lack of recognition of their action. It concludes by the need to deconstruct the panorama that motivated the outbreak of the original violence, now being necessary its reconstruction it in the hermeneutic perspective. As well it indicates the need to rethink biopolitics in the teacher’s life, always challenged to take sides for a repressive or moral authority.

authority; violence; teacher; hermeneutics; biopolitics

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