Based on the expectancy-value theory, the Mathematics Value Inventory (MVI) was intended to measure math value in four areas: interest, utility, achievement and personal cost. This paper presents the validation of the Spanish version among Uruguayan university students: factorial validity through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), gender related differences and predictive validity of academic achievement. A stratified random sampling according to Mathematics achievement was performed, with a confidence level of 95% and an error margin of 5%, and 218 students (77% women) voluntarily participated. Ages ranged from 18 to 29 years (M = 20.2, SD = 1.8). Results confirm the four-factor structure as well as suggest a second order factor. The latter is recommended for continuous assessment of general attitude towards math, while the four-factor model could be a better strategy to identify problematic areas and career comparison. Higher interest and need for achievement are related to greater academic performance, while utility and personal cost seem to have no impact on it. No gender differences on math value were found. In sum, the MVI proved to be a suitable instrument to measure students' attitudes towards mathematics, which may help the design of intervention strategies.
Mathematics; interest; utility; achievement; personal cost