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Influences of the human management policies and practices at a safety culture institutionalization process

The article aims to describe and analyze the influence of human management policies and practices at a safety culture institutionalization process in a high size industry. Theoretically four central axles were articulated: (1) institutionalization process (BERGER; LUCKMANN, 2008); (2) safety and safety culture (HANSEN, 1993; GELLER, 2002); (3) human management policies and practices (FLEURY; FISCHER, 1996); and, (4) leadership and the cultural change process (SCHEIN, 2004; SMIRCICH; MORGAN, 1997). It was realized a qualitative case study (YIN, 2005; TRIVIÑOS, 2008). Data were collected via triangulation (JICK, 1979) and submitted to thematic content analyses (BARDIN, 2009; MINAYO, 2008). Empirical evidences signalizes the recognition of the human management role at safety culture institutionalization process, that consider the human factor the "Achilles' heel", therefore, in most of situations it is imputed to the worker the responsibility to the accident event at work.

Safety work; Safety culture; Institutionalization process; Human management policies and practices

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