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The usage of MCDA in identification and measurement of criteria performance for certification of public teaching hospitals in Brazil

The public health system management in Brazil has undergone a certain amount of restructuring over the past years. One consequence of the restructuring was the establishment of a new relationship between the Ministry of Health (MS) and the Ministry of Education (MEC) regarding the funding of University Hospitals of Federal Universities. Therefore, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has implemented the certification process of University Hospitals - a set of goals to be met concerning financial, management and education processes, as well as the assistance model to be adopted. This article presents the use of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis to support the development of a model aimed at assisting managers of a university hospital in assessing institutional performance, so that their goals jointly agreed between the MS/MEC can be met and certification is obtained. The case study was conducted within a hospital of the federal network of education in Brazil.

Multi Criteria Decision Analysis; Public Health; University Hospitals

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, Travessa 2, 128 - 2º andar - Room 231, 05508-900 São Paulo - SP - São Paulo - SP - Brazil