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The Body Atom and psychosomatics

O Átomo Corporal e a psicossomática

El átomo corporal y la psicosomática


The authors of this article have created a unique technique based on their experience working with patients in both general hospital and private setting. The technique, called the Body Atom, is based on Moreno’s idea of the social atom and the theories developed by L’Institut de Psychosomatique Pierre Marty for understanding the origins and progression of psychosomatic diseases. The Body Atom was applied to hospitalized patients with cardiological diseases and patients with endometriosis in a private practice setting. Both groups responded positively to implementing the Body Atom, which helped them understand their personal experiences and relate them to their illnesses and body parts.

Body Atom; Psychosomatics; Monodrama; Clinical psychology

Federação Brasileira de Psicodrama Rua Barão de Itapetininga, 37 conj. 402 , cep: 01042-001 - São Paulo - SP / Brasil, tel: +55 (11) 3673 3674 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil