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Supplementary reality in internal psychodrama: contributions to clinical management


Supplemental reality in internal psychodrama provides a therapeutic space where imagination, creative expression, and spontaneity are valued, allowing participants to explore and experience dimensions beyond everyday reality. This study specifically investigates how supplemental reality in internal psychodrama assists in conflict resolution and the expansion of participants’ subjective consciousness. It also emphasizes its therapeutic application and impact on clinical management. Through theoretical analysis and case studies, it examines how participants engage and shape this reality in a safe context, highlighting the promotion of self-knowledge and healing. The results indicate that psychodrama, by encouraging creative expression and the resolution of internal conflicts, provides a deeper understanding of psychological dynamics, fostering empathy and personal transformation.

Psychodrama; Internal psychodrama; Supplementary reality

Federação Brasileira de Psicodrama Rua Barão de Itapetininga, 37 conj. 402 , cep: 01042-001 - São Paulo - SP / Brasil, tel: +55 (11) 3673 3674 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil