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Online dramatic games: reinventing the role of teacher in pandemic times-spaces


This article discusses the use of dramatic games in the virtual environment as a way for teachers to reinvent their professional role in times-spaces of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Weaving reflections that virtual reality is not devoid of existence, the study proposes didactic and techno-methodological innovations in the teaching-learning process through the teacher-students meeting mediated by screens. Taking psychodrama as an active teaching methodology, the objective of the study focuses on reporting the experience involving the use of online-dramatic games in the educational setting in a higher education institution. The results showed that dramatic games in the virtual context enabled the modification of teaching practice while facilitating the assimilation of content by students.

Psychodrama; Games; Online Learning; Pandemic

Federação Brasileira de Psicodrama Rua Barão de Itapetininga, 37 conj. 402 , cep: 01042-001 - São Paulo - SP / Brasil, tel: +55 (11) 3673 3674 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil