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Contributions of the encounter between psychodrama and Rudolf Laban’s creative dance


This article brings the interface between psychodrama and Rudolf Laban’s creative dance, with the aim of revitalizing the psychodramatic resources used to warm up the body in the therapeutic context. The research presents the work developed with creative dance, through the articulation between psychodrama and the study of Laban’s art of movement. This qualitative and self-report case study combines literature review and field diaries to analyze the synergy between these two approaches. The results show that the integration of psychodrama and creative dance strengthens the connection between mind, body and movement, enriching therapeutic practice. Finally, the importance of continuous integration between psychology and the study of the body and movement is highlighted, proposing the construction of a psychology of movement.

Creativity; Dance; Psychodrama; Human development

Federação Brasileira de Psicodrama Rua Barão de Itapetininga, 37 conj. 402 , cep: 01042-001 - São Paulo - SP / Brasil, tel: +55 (11) 3673 3674 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil