The approach with the topic of tattoos and the conceptual dialogue with Deleuze and Guattari (1992) led us to questioning tattoos as a conceptual character in the relations between modes of subjectivation and work. We associate the discussion of these relationships to the immaterial work concept (Gorz, 2005) and liquid life in liquid-modern society (Bauman, 2007). To understand the relationship between working and getting a tattoo in this society, we have developed a cartographic study that included such notions to think about the subject that carry a tattoo alluding to their work. The analysis pointed out that tattoos as a conceptual character is both the mark on the body and a time that endures, as well as a strategy to invent life as a form of reflection, (d)enouncement, expression, strength, communication, interaction, connection, conjugation and continuance, creating opportunities for other interactions and choices.
Keywords: immaterial labor; tattoo; cartographie