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This paper aims to present and discuss a theoretical meaning-making model in work, exploring the challenges and possibilities it brings to the psychological research about informal work. The meaning-making process comprises three components: the social and collective meanings about work; the sense of work defined as a singular apprehension of those meanings; and the activity - which mediates the relation between subject and social reality, putting into action both meaning and sense. The paper develops three hypotheses: firstly, that the meaning-making approach allows the researcher grasp the tension between formal/informal labor; secondly, it helps him tell apart different levels of analysis on the informality phenomenon; and thirdly, this approach also contributes to a broader comprehension of meanings and sense in the work place, not only in cognitive and individualist terms.

sense of work; meaning-making in work; informal work

Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (CFCH), Av. da Arquitetura S/N - 7º Andar - Cidade Universitária, Recife - PE - CEP: 50740-550 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil