This article aims is investigate how health is understood by differents paradigms in psychology and how they evaluated epidemiology studies. Seven investigators and psychology health professional from Brazil, Spain and Argentina were interviews, this professionals guide their practices by differents conceptual theories: Social Critique, Clinical (Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavior), Ecological Contextual and Community. After the evaluation of those interviews it was possible identify that exist a diversity of health compression. The health concepts are related with the human, world, reality, social context and possibility of change compression concepts. In relation to the epidemiology studies we realizes that some participations use a superficial and large description, related to the medical conception about the epidemiology; others emphasizes the relevance of to consider the contexts that the studies are achieves. Only one participant mentioned the role of epidemiology specifically for psychology. We conclude that is of fundamental importance that the professional of health has conscience of the paradigm that directs your practice can to evaluate the consequences of your action like professional and citizen.
paradigms in Psychology; health; Epidemiology Studies