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The Collaborative Web of the Invisible World


In these difficult times of the Anthropocene, when hard and heavy threats compromise the destiny of humanity and other species, we are summoned to think new paths of commitment to the care of the Earth. We need to expand the field of care, involving humans and non-humans in a web of permanent collaboration to safeguard creation. Our attention and gaze must also turn to the invisible world under our feet, the world of fungi and mushrooms, which provide us, every day, with clues of revitalizing resurgence.

Dialogue; Collaboration; Care; Invisible World; Anthropocene

Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE) Avenida Doutor Cristiano Guimarães, 2127 - Bairro Planalto, Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, Cep: 31720-300, Tel: 55 (31) 3115.7000 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil