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Philosophy in the Theology of João Batista Libanio


The civilizational turn of modernity, which still marks us, raises an enormous challenge to the Christians faith. Starting from the thesis that there is always a philosophy present in theology, Libanio faced this issue both in relation to his first formulation in European modernity, also present among us, and the specific situation in Latin America, confronting the classical metaphysics usually used in theology and assuming the philosophy of subjectivity and the philosophy of liberation. The change in the contemporary philosophical scenario raises fundamental questions for theology.

Faith; Revelation; Philosophy of Subjectivity; Philosophy of Liberation

Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE) Avenida Doutor Cristiano Guimarães, 2127 - Bairro Planalto, Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, Cep: 31720-300, Tel: 55 (31) 3115.7000 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil