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Mediation in Zulliger: Evidence of Validity in Sample of Not Patients


Considering the influence of cultural factors in the assessment of personality and diversity of these in the Brazilian scenario, the purpose of this study was to verify the validity of Zulliger on a sample of non-patient gauchos, focusing on the mediation variables. A total of 40 individuals of both genders participated in the study - ages varying between 18 and 43 years old - all of them with high school education level, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Descriptive and comparative statystical analysis were used between the gaucho group and the Brazilian normative data. The results demonstrated statistically significant differences between the samples, with an increase in the variable(s) XA%, WDA%, X+% and decrease in the variable(s) X- % and S- in the gaucho group, ultimately showing the validity of the instrument for the context of the research. Additional and follow up studies of this nature with expanded and diverse samples is needed to ensure that the established standards are appropriate for the population.

psychological assessment; projective techniques; culture; standards; mediation

Universidade de São Francisco, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia R. Waldemar César da Silveira, 105, Vl. Cura D'Ars (SWIFT), Campinas - São Paulo, CEP 13045-510, Telefone: (19)3779-3771 - Campinas - SP - Brazil