The main objective of this study was to investigate teachers' (n = 333) collective efficacy, and their relationships with perceptions of support at school. Teachers who worked in high achieving public elementary schools were compared to those from low achieving schools, and novice versus experienced teachers, as well. Schools' achievement level was assessed by national Basic Education Development Index (IDEB). A Likert-type scale was submitted to factor analysis that showed a two-factor structure related to collective efficacy and perceptions of support, respectively, and with high internal consistency. As results, positive relationships between these constructs were identified. Moreover, variance analysis disclosed more robust collective efficacy beliefs and a higher level of support perception among more experienced teachers and among those from highly achieving schools when compared to their counterparts. Results were discussed in the light of the Social Cognitive Theory and compared with other studies, and directions for new studies were proposed, as well.
Keywords: teachers' collective efficacy; support perceptions; elementary school; students' performance