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Risk Perception and Health Behaviors in relation to Casual Sex in College Women


This study aimed to explore and compare the perceptions of physical health risks and healthy sex behaviors among female university students with (CEX) and without (SEX) experience in casual sex. With a comparative cross-sectional design, the study included 1,133 Brazilian female university students (mean age 21.05 years, SD=2.05), mostly born and resident in the southern region of the country, who completed an online questionnaire about their perception of physical risks, their health behaviors, and their sexual behavior and history. There was a significant difference in health behaviors and risk perceptions between the two groups, where the CEX group showed higher levels of healthy behaviors and care than the SEX group. Although casual sex is related to risk behaviors, in this study, women in the CEX group reported taking more health protection measures than those in the SEX group.

psychosexual behavior; sexual attitudes; women - hygiene and health; health psychology; college students

Universidade de São Francisco, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia R. Waldemar César da Silveira, 105, Vl. Cura D'Ars (SWIFT), Campinas - São Paulo, CEP 13045-510, Telefone: (19)3779-3771 - Campinas - SP - Brazil